Become a TalentHub token holder today...
Refer us to receive tokens and contribute to the growth of TalentHub recruitment.*
What is a TalentHub Token?
TalentHub Token is a digital “thank you” object that represents the right to own a part of TalentHub’s future success for free. Over the years, many of you have referred TalentHub to start-ups that we are skyrocketing today.
This digital token represents our gratitude to you for helping us grow and reach new heights.
It is possible to earn tokens by referring TalentHub Recruitment (in different ways) to your network. You can accumulate as many tokens as you like.
In 2027, you will have the opportunity to exchange your earned tokens for a part of TalentHub’s future success. We promise that if we hit an annual turnover of €5M in 2027, we will purchase the tokens back for the price of €5.33 per token.

Why earn TALENT tokens?
Our token program allows you to benefit from our success – a company that you cooperate with. Or you can contribute to the success of our mission.
Thanks to your contributions, we can continue to be a part of the next wave of unicorn companies by providing them with the right talent. 🦄 Start-ups fail for many reasons. Our goal is to ensure that it doesn’t happen because of recruitment.
In 2027, you’ll have a chance to exchange your earned tokens.
For example, if you have successfully referred TalentHub to three companies, you’ll receive 90 tokens, which you can cash out at €5.33 per token in 2027.
Our promise to you
Our goal is to achieve an annual turnover of €5M by the end of 2027. When we achieve this goal, we promise to pay each token holder €5.33 per each TALENT token.
The TalentHub community program aims to thank those who contribute to the growth of TalentHub Recruitment. As part of the program, we’re distributing a total of 28 120 TALENT tokens.
How can I earn TALENT tokens?
Earning TALENT tokens is simple and there are different ways of getting them:
1) Refer TalentHub to a similar venture-backed, high-growth start-up like yours. 🦄
For every successful referral*, you will earn 30 TALENT tokens.
*A successful referral means your referred company signs a recruitment cooperation agreement with TalentHub.
2) Promote TalentHub on LinkedIn.
a) You can either write a post from scratch sharing a review about your experience with us, our people, or the impact we have created for your business.
b) You can repost one of our company updates and add your own thoughts to build the conversation with your network around TalentHub.
For every successful post*, you will earn 1 TALENT token.
*To be considered a successful post, you have to ensure the TalentHub LinkedIn account is tagged. We’ll contact you to confirm the post is eligible for a token.
We are constantly adding more ways of earning tokens, so keep an eye on our newsletter.

About Koos.io
For this program, we have partnered with stakeholder incentivization platform Koos.io. The platform allows companies to reward all non-employee contributors for their real impact on organizational goals using digital tokens. We want you to be able to contribute to the success of our organization, and get noticed and rewarded for your efforts.
Your questions, answered
How can I see my earned tokens?
It’s simple. Once we’ve sent you tokens on your email, you can login to koos.io with your details. For security purposes, the platform will send you a code, and once you confirm it, you’ll see your token amount.
How many tokens will be distributed?
As part of the program, we’ll distribute a total of 28 120 TALENT tokens.
How can I increase the chances of a successful referral?
TalentHub usually works as a recruitment partner for start-ups that have recently raised a round of funding and have a stronger purpose, meaning the start-up doesn’t exist solely to make money.
What happens if you don't achieve your goal by 2027?
The aim is to achieve the goal of €5M turnover by 2027. However, you’ll have a chance to exchange your tokens whenever we achieve it. This may be sooner than 2027 or later.