How to Plan Recruitment in the Summer (and why it’s important)

How to plan recruitment in the summer

Summer is here! But what does that mean for recruitment? You might think that all the candidates are on vacation, and even if you approach them with the best job offer, they won’t pay attention. Wrong! Although the summer period might be slower and more relaxed, the recruitment market remains active.  If anything, candidates take […]

How to Build a Recruitment Plan for 2024

The recruitment industry has seen immense changes ever since the pandemic. Tech giants have laid off talented people, and the rising cost of living standards have caused a shift in candidate expectations. More than ever, candidates seek job stability and mutual trust over high salaries. All this underscores the need for employers to reevaluate their […]

How to Effectively Interview Candidates (Step-by-Step Guide)

How to Effectively Inteview Candidates

Have a look at our PDF interviewing guide and save it for your next candidate interview! Using this guide will help you: 1. Create an effective job description2. Build an enjoyable atmosphere at an interview3. Assess the candidate’s cultural fit4. Ask the right competency-based questions All of this will significantly increase your chances of closing […]

Start-Up Salary Survey 2023 – Estonia

TalentHub Start-Up Salary Survey

In this report, you’ll find: – What are the monthly gross salary ranges of start-up employees in Estonia working across different roles.  – Gender pay gap among employees in managerial roles. – What is the salary satisfaction rate among start-up employees in Estonia. – How often do start-up employees in Estonia receive a salary increase. […]

7 Must-Use Tools For Candidate Sourcing

7 Must-Use Tools For Candidate Sourcing

Finding the right candidate requires a combination of skill, experience, and the right tools. In this article, we will explore seven must-use tools that can help you streamline your candidate sourcing process and find the best-fit candidates.  From highlighting important keywords on a page to using, these tools are designed to make sourcing easier and […]

How To Give a Job Offer To a Candidate (The Complete Guide)

How to Give a Job Offer to a Candidate

Why is the offer stage important? Some people believe making a job offer is a simple process, which makes it fall at the bottom of their priority list. In reality, the offer stage is a demanding process for both parties, making it a crucial part of recruitment and selection. A bad experience in the offer […]

13 Full-Cycle Hiring Tips and Lessons For Start-Up Founders and CEOs

13 Full-Cycle Hiring Tips and Lessons For Start-Up Founders and CEOs

Hiring the right people is crucial for the success of any company, and this is especially true for emerging startups.  As a founder or CEO of a startup, it can be challenging to find the right talent for your company, but with the right approach, you can attract and hire top-performing employees who will help […]

How to Get Started With Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Katja Toropainen: How to Get Started With Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

What does Inklusiiv and its founder Katja Toropainen do? What is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)? How can you get started with DEI in your company? How to build an inclusive hiring process? Find out by listening to our 43rd podcast episode with award-winning public speaker and one of the most influential figures in the Nordic tech scene. […]

What Is a Job Description And Why Is It Important (With Examples + Free Template)

What Is a Job Description And Why Is It Important

What is a job description? A job description, also known as JD in the recruitment world, is a document that describes the requirements and responsibilities for a job vacancy. Usually, a complete job description covers the following details: Job title Job location Job responsibilities and duties Must-have and nice-to-have requirements Job goals Benefits and salary […]

Pricing Models In Recruitment: Which One Is The Right For You?

What Are The Three Pricing Models In Recruitment?

Did you know that there are four different types of pricing methods in recruitment? Choosing the right one for your needs can set you up for success. Think of the different pricing methods as different levels of commitment.  In some cases, it’s best for you to have less commitment from your recruitment partner. Yet, sometimes […]

18 Tools You Should Use As A Recruiter

18 Tools You Should Use As a Recruiter

The hiring process, from top to bottom, can be time-consuming and expensive. Yet, the more efficient and productive you are in your daily work, the more likely you are to succeed as a recruiter. In this article, TalentHub recruitment experts have conducted a list of essential tools to help you source better talent, increase your […]